Mike Klosowski

Personal Trainer

Mike graduated from Skaneateles High School in 2022 and is currently studying business at Boston University. Mike received his American Council of Exercise (ACE) certification and is eager to start helping people.

Mike is happy to work with any age client to create a client-centric routine and exercise program, integrating his knowledge with each client’s personal preferences and abilities. Discipline, the idea of doing something even when you lack the motivation, is a quality that helps in all facets of life. Discipline must be grown and tended to, and exercise is a great way to do so.

Having an external motivator, such as a PT will help get the ball rolling until you enjoy the process of exercising. Most of Mike’s expertise and experience comes through strength training and muscle growth, but he has a passion for all of fitness.

It’s important to avoid common mistakes in the gym to avoid injuries and maximize your time, and Mike can provide helpful insights to get you started on the right foot. Exercise helps immensely with both your physical and mental health, so let’s get started and enjoy the process.

Mike K Bio Pic

Contact Information

Phone: (315) 640-4289
Email: mklosowski@skancc.com